Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Few Myths About Virus Scanners And Viruses

Myth #1: Having lots of pictures on my computer slows it down


Most computers these days have more than enough storage capacity to hold all your data without slowing down. Thus, a slow computer will not necessarily speed up if you delete some of your pictures or music. There are many other factors that can affect your computer's speed. It is typically programs that are running unseen on the computer that slow you down, not just data that is stored on your hard drive.

Myth #2: A virus can wipe out my hard drive and all my files


I will occasionally get a forwarded email warning me about some new dangerous computer virus that can wipe out my hard drive. I typically respond to the sender explaining this is virtually impossible so it is best not to spread the fear. Computer malware (often called viruses) comes in all shapes and sizes, but extremely few actually have the ability to delete your personal data, nor is that their design. Malware is interested in obtaining information, not destroying it. Even if a virus makes your computer inaccessible (e.g. it will not boot), rest assured that your data is safe. It can likely be recovered fairly easily by someone that knows what they are doing, but you should have a reliable backup in place anyway.

Neither can a virus cause physical damage to your computer. Viruses can only manipulate the software of the computer, not the hardware.

**As an academic disclaimer, it is technically possible that a specially designed virus could cause hardware malfunction or damage, but the likelihood of this happening is so remote it barely deserves mentioning.

Myth #3: An anti-virus program fully protects me from viruses


Most people who get viruses already have an antivirus program. Anti-virus programs are not 100% effective. Even if you have the newest version with all the updates and security, you can still get a virus.  Most of my virus removal clients tend to use two certain virus scanners (Norton & McCafee), who also eat up a large portion of your system processes.

For more information on any topic, call Exodus Technology Solutions at 734-238-2877 or visit http://www.exodustechsolutions.com

We are proud to announce our new web design site as well. It make have a few glitches in two of the apps, but those will be resolved soon. It looks great with the new HTML5 format, check it out at Http://www.exoduswebsitedesign.com

PS: Would like to mention a new client as well, roofing experts in Monroe. Visit the Phillips Residential Roofing site at Http://www.phillipsresidentialroofing.com 

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