Thursday, March 14, 2013

Before you build a website, please read this!

One major difference between Exodus Technology Solutions and most other companies is the fact we will research our competition. For example, when we design any site, we have see what other sites in that industry look like. Otherwise, we would have no standard to compete with nor understand our clients needs. Website design has to include several factors like marketing message, professional appearance, ability to load on older computers, avoiding misaligned sentences on all browsers, organized placement of buttons or menus, not too many gadgets running, text and tags in place to help improve search engine results. If your site only has a bland template with a white background, it may look out of date or incomplete to many users.
There are a few key ways to protect yourself from web design scammers. First, never pay for more than half down on a website. Personally, I wouldn't put any money down until you see something from them. It's not hurting them to do the work and then get paid for it, since your site won't go public until they release it. If we don't get paid, you don't actually get a website, so we don't require half down.
Two, see any previous work the company has done. It's possible they can't manage sites with several products or lack understanding of marketing. Some companies can't do more than the most basic of template designs. If you want your site to look new and professional, you may have to go elsewhere.
Three, if you ask the company how to edit the site yourself and they seem more inclined to charge you instead of helping you. Most builders aren't complex to the point you can't show them how to add a picture in 10 minutes. If they can't give ten free minutes of advice, then that company will never go the extra mile for you without hurting your wallet.
Four, do it yourself type of builders are nice, but rarely will you be able to design a quality looking site. Basic designs and bland backgrounds is a step backward. You are much better off finding a reasonable priced website design firm like Exodus Technology Solutions.
Five, all website designers claim to provide great looking websites. That doesn't mean it's easy to load or understands your company. Check the company’s website first to see if their own site is quality and then make it clear that it's there to attract more business to your company, not just look pretty.
Six, shop around on costs. If they are charging you $3,000.00 for a basic site with 5 pages and you provided half the work, then you are definitely getting ripped off. Exodus Technology Solutions builds most sites for $400.00 - $800.00 and if you’re providing a logo and site text, it's low cost to you. Few site would require thousands of dollars to work on, usually huge corporate sites with multiple databases and 20 plus pages. We usually try to customize the site to your needs instead of placing you into a package was well, this way you only paying for what applies to your site.
This is a good start of considerations and I hope this helps everyone interested in having a website. If you are interested in an affordable site with quality marketing message, contact Exodus Technology Solutions for more details. Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

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