Sunday, September 22, 2013

SEO Services With Customer Service Attatched

  I know it almost sounds unheard of, but it does exist. Many SEO firms charge an insane amount just to have a representative to speak with. Not like you get that agent from the lower packages either, you have to purchase the $1,000.00 a month or more accounts. Most professional page ranking firms have a top package that has that 1k to 1.5k a month rate. Obviously few companies could afford these costs and those ones usually receive high traffic volumes without SEO. No matter that your willing to pay for page ranking, you will never beat out certain companies. No matter my own firms talents are, we will never top Best Buy on search pages. So if your a small business, don't bother paying those costs when $100 - $400 packages would suit your need.

   Just because your whole business isn't internet based and you can afford 1k a month services, you still need SEO firms. Sure there is a lot you can do to help yourself, but real SEO takes more time and research then taxes. If time is money, then your still better off outsourcing this service. Granted there is many packages and firm who can increase your page rank for under $500, at least find one that will work with you. Many of my clients have never spoken with an SEO representative before and only get to a chart of how many hours a month they worked on your account. For all we know, they spent 3 hrs thinking of an article title that day. In fact, no one knows what forms of SEO or tactics they are using. If they only use one or two, that could hinder your site in the future. SEO is about diversifying the links and content. I personally use 5 or 6 tactics and have to research constantly.

   So shop around until you find reasonable prices with agents who will discuss your account and progress anytime you need. Most of Exodus Technology Solutions's SEO clients are charged $100.00 a month and get great customer service. If we offer this, all firms should be .

   Lastly, a shout to the Sikorski Law Firm. No other law firms charge only $1000.00 for bankruptcy and have payment plans. Visit them at for more details.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Website Packages, good or bad?

   Welcome back to the Exodus Computer Blog. Today I want to discuss the pros and cons of web packages. I'm sure you see design firms who list 3-6 bundle options, each with a limit of pages and cost increases. Most of the time, the first package only includes 2 or 3 pages. That would make for a very plan site that you have no reason spending high costs for. Before you consider any package, you have some things to keep in mind.

   Here are some of the basic questions that you need to ask yourself before contacting a website designer.

1. Are you marketing a product? If you are, then you may need a shopping cart or multiple product pages. Or even a gallery showing everything you carry.

2. is your site meant to be more visual or display a marketing message? This could affect how the site is even built or how much text is the focus of the site.

3. How many tabs do you need? An about page? Product/services pages? Blogs? Contact us pages? Gallery or photos?

4. Do you already have most of the text ready for the site and how much text is needed on each page? This is very important for a lot of reasons. The more actually creative writing a company has to do, the more it will cost you. And you need to make sure your site text will have some keywords and full on useful information so help on the SEO side of things. If you have too much text for each product/service, you could drown out your message. More content is better, but it has to be managed properly and not condense too much into each page. A careful balance has to be obtained.

5. Does your site need to be edited often? If you have a site hard coded and built from scratch, you will need a programer to edit every aspect from text to photos. You will never be able to change anything yourself without help. Exodus Computer does prefer an easy to edit flash builder for some sites. Obviously, we can't do every site this way, but for basic business sites, it's a great option. This way the client can change colors, text, or photos with a few clicks.

   Now that we covered that much, you can see the most simple packages rarely fit your needs. How much will it cost you per additional page, to add links, to create site text and does that cost include keywords? It's not the first time that you expect a low cost package to cover your needs, but then have 10 things added to increase the costs. Try to plan out your site the best you can before contacting a design firm. Not all firms are either close enough or even willing to site down and help you plan your site. Packages are good for the programers so they have something to build off the initial costs, but can be deceiving to the clients.

   This is the pros to the packages and why you will prefer this option. The next best choice for design quotes is based off labor per hour. Even if you get a programer claiming $20 an hr, he could easily set the project to 50 hrs of work. It may only take him 30 hours, but you have no idea. There isn't really a standard for this either, they all work at different paces. The other pro is you know what your paying for with package rates. If you only need two pages (not usually a good option), then that package will cover most of the costs. Honestly, if your paying to have a site built, shop around, ask questions, and get the best looking one you can get for the cost. Otherwise, your buying a plain template filled in and it looks out of date. Might as well not have a site if no one wants to visit it.